A friend suggested I go to Amazon Prime and leave a 5-star rating (which I did). I also left a review which should post in a few days... I was pleased to see this version on Prime and hopefully the series will be picked up for another season.

The community could use many more shows that celebrate all the facets of the LGBTQ broader spectrum, and give it a positive spin.

And a side note... in the early 1970s I was living in Richmond, VA shortly after coming out. At the time, all gay bars in the community were mafia-owned/operated. If you (as a gay person) made any objection to anything going on, you ran the risk of being blackballed from the "club." We got around it by holding parties in our home although this too presented some challenges.

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Yes, the fact that most of the bars were mafia owned is a super interesting part of this history!

People leaving positive reviews has thankfully drowned out the hateful reviews for the most part 💪🏼

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Actually, this is the part that generally gets swept under the rug, and for good reason... but yeah, it was the reality for many who needed a safe space because the mafia was great when it came to protecting their financial interests.

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Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks for this, Kira! We're watching parts of the series in my Women in Sports Media class this semester and I'm going to have my students read this post. Thanks as always for the great content!

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Awesome! Thanks for reading.

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